*IMPORTANT* These data are NOT the official records and may be inaccurate and incomplete. Original and official copies of deeds, surveys, plats and ownership information are available at the Lewis & Clarke County Clerk and Recorder office. By using this GIS information, the user acknowledges and accepts fully responsibility for verifying the correctness and the completeness of any of the information provided here. The City of Helena and Lewis & Clarke County do not warrant, either explicit or implied, the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. Additionally, the city and county accept no liability of any kind, including but not limited to any losses or damages that may result from the wrongful reliance on this information, and the user also accepts full responsibility for any subsequent use of reuse of the data, and shall be solely responsible for results or any damages which may result from the use of any of these data. This map does not necessarily depict road ownership or maintenance, wither public or private. Nor, does it necessarily depict all roadways in the county. The data shown on this map were derived from various sources at different scales for a variety of purposes, and there is great variability in the spatial accuracy of the different data sets. Therefore, there may be some mis-alignment between data sets and layers.