Contact Us

There are several ways to communicate with the City of Helena. Please review the following details to determine the best way to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Emergency & Urgent Contact Info

Emergency: 9-1-1
For immediate danger to life and/or property.

Non-Emergency Dispatch: 406-457-8866
For issues needing a Police response, that do not present life safety concerns.

Noise Complaints

City Code outlines permissible noise limits in Section 5-7-3, which defines maximum decibel levels for residential, commercial, and industrial areas. The Code also notes exceptions to the decibel limits for certain activities, like home repair or grounds maintenance. If you hear noise that you believe violates City Code, please follow the steps below to submit a complaint.

  1. Review the Code: Click Here to View Section 5-7-3
  2. Call Non-Emergency Dispatch at 406-457-8866

The non-emergency dispatch team will notify a police officer to follow-up with the complaint as soon as possible. If the noise can still be heard when the officer arrives, they may use a decimeter to measure the noise and determine if it exceeds the limit. 

Water and Wastewater Issues

Use the following contact information during a service interruption. Interruptions or issues include: broken fire hydrants, storm drain issues, water main breaks, sink holes, service line repairs.

Other water and wastewater issues can be shared using the My Helena App.

Click Here to Visit Service Requests Page

Service Requests

Need to report a pothole, down tree, or damaged trash can? We can help with these, and many other, City service requests.

Request Help for City Services


 Department / Service 
 General Information Desk  406-447-8000  --
 Building Division  406-447-8438 
 Capital Transit  406-447-8080  --
 City Attorney  406-457-8595   -- 
 City Manager  406-447-8427   --
 City Commission  406-447-8410  --
 Community Development   406-447-8490
 Community Facilities  406-447-8395 
 Finance - Accounting & Budgeting   406-447-8416
 Fire Department Administration  406-447-8472 
 Human Resources  406-447-8333
 IT Services  406-447-8300  --
 Municipal Court  406-447-8466  ext 1
 Parks, Recreation and Open Lands    406-447-8463
 Parking  406-447-8419
 Planning Division  406-447-8490  
 Police Department Administration  406-447-8479  
 Public Information Officer  406-447-8021
 Public Works  406-447-8430  --
 Solid Waste Collection
 (Resident and Commercial Trash)
 Special Events  406-447-8419
 Transfer Station  406-447-8082
 Transportation Systems  406-447-1566
 Utility Maintenance  406-457-8567

 Utility Billing

  • Payments
  • Billing Statements
  • Account Updates