Request Help for City Services

Need to report a pothole, down tree, or damaged trash can? Download the My Helena App on your phone or use the form below to submit a service request. Simply select "Create" and follow the instructions. Be sure to set up an account so you can receive updates as City staff respond to your request.

There's an App for That!

There are many service requests that can be submitted using your phone or tablet. Download the My Helena App using the links below.

App Store Download   Google Play Download

My Helena App Service Request Categories

Community Decay

Community Decay Complaint

Sign Complaint

Garbage Collection

Missed Collection


Damaged Container



Abandoned Vehicle

Blocked Fire Hydrant

Found Property

Sign Obscured




Illegal/hazardous vehicle parking

Parking garage damage

Parking lot damage

Parking violation questions

Pay to park equipment: damaged

Pay to park equipment: malfunctioning

Pay to park equipment: use questions

Pedestrian safety concerns

Parks and Vegetation

Boulevard lacking vegetative cover


Damaged park accessory

Garbage - Overfull park can

Garbage - Refuse in park


Hazardous tree

Irrigation leaks

Noxious weeds

Nuisance vegetation

Parkland encroachment

Parks snow/ice

Playground issue

Street tree clearance

Tree branches

Streets and Transportation

Sidewalk variance

Railroad quiet zone concerns

Summer alley maintenance


Cul-de-sac snow request

Dirt street maintenance



Sidewalk - obstructions

Sidewalks - snow removal

Sidewalks - trip hazard

Sight triangle

Signs - damaged or missing

Snow berm request

Street obstruction

Street plowing request

Street sanding request

Street sweeping request

Traffic signal

Traffic study request

Trailer parking

Water and Sewer

Illegal discharge


Fire hydrant damaged

Manhole lid missing

Sewer backup

Sewer odor


Storm drain issue

Water leak

Water lid damaged or missing

Emergency & Urgent Contact Info

Emergency: 9-1-1
For immediate danger to life and/or property.

Non-Emergency Dispatch: 406-457-8866
For issues needing a Police response, that do not present life safety concerns.

Noise Complaints

City Code outlines permissible noise limits in Section 5-7-3, which defines maximum decibel levels for residential, commercial, and industrial areas. The Code also notes exceptions to the decibel limits for certain activities, like home repair or grounds maintenance. If you hear noise that you believe violates City Code, please follow the steps below to submit a complaint.

  1. Review the Code: Click Here to View Section 5-7-3
  2. Call Non-Emergency Dispatch at 406-457-8866

The non-emergency dispatch team will notify a police officer to follow-up with the complaint as soon as possible. If the noise can still be heard when the officer arrives, they may use a decimeter to measure the noise and determine if it exceeds the limit. 

Water and Wastewater Issues

Use the following contact information during a service interruption. Interruptions or issues include: broken fire hydrants, storm drain issues, water main breaks, sink holes, service line repairs.

Other requests can be submitted using the My Helena App or the form below.

Submit a Request

Use the dashboard below to view current service requests, create your own ticket, and manage your account. 

  • View requests: Use the filters, search bar, or click on the map icon in the blue header to navigate open and closed service request tickets.
  • Create a Request: Click the "Create" tab above the blue header to start. You can log-in to an existing account or create an account to receive updates on your request. You can also choose "create anonymously" below the log-in boxes to submit a request without an account.
  • Manage your Account: Click the "Account" tab above the blue header to create a new account or log-in and manage your account preferences.