In 2007, City of Helena Commission passed Resolution 19530, recognizing that there is “sufficient scientific evidence to conclude that global climate change is occurring, that humans are contributing to it, and that reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG) is necessary in to avert the negative consequences of a changing climate.” Lowering GHG emissions will likely result in numerous additional benefits to the Helena community, including improved water quality, reduced energy costs, and improved waste and air pollution efforts. The passage of this resolution, allowed for the construction of a Climate Change Task-force, and for this task-force to give recommendation on the following categories:
- Energy Efficiency & Municipal Operations
- Water Supply, Treatment, and Delivery
- Transportation, Waste, Recycling, and Public/Private Partnership
These recommendations were compiled into what is now known as the 2009 Helena Climate Change Task Force Action Plan(PDF, 3MB). Over the years the City has pursued many of these recommendations and moved its GHG goals forward. The Climate Action Plan Summary below, lists the recommendations, their status, a short explanation of the steps taken by the City, and the results of such efforts.
Climate Action Plan Summary(PDF, 151KB)